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Weathered Decro Face CMU

Mason Contractors - Barnes & Cone
Weathered Decro Face units are available in a variety of shapes, including Chamfers, Bullnose units, water table units, sills and special shapes. Scored and Bond Beam units are also available for easy incorporation into the design.

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Decro Face Project


  • Wide Selection of Colors!
  • Custom Produced for Your Project.
  • Combine Our Innovative Variety of Shapes and Colors to Design a Custom Appearance.
  • Integral Water Repellent Admixtures are added during production of units.
  • Hollow Units Can Be Insulated at Our Factory!
  • Contact our Sales Department for additional Shapes and Sizes, such as 18″ or 24″ long units, angles, and bond beam units


    • Ideal where a reduced maintenance wall system is desired.
    • Can be used for interior and exterior installations.
    • Use alone as a finished wall, as banding or accent courses.
    • Mold and moisture resistant.
    • A water repellant admixture is added during the manufacturing process.
    • Wide array of colors and special shapes available.
    • Multiple faces of CMU can be sandblasted for added design flexibility.