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Standard CMU


We stock a wide variety of standard CMU. Mold options include variations in block width, (4”, 6”, 8”, 10” and 12” nominal), block height (typically 8” nominal), and block length (16” nominal).

Our stock 4”, 6”, 8” and 10” wide units are stocked in Normal Weight. We stock the 12” wide units in Light Weight. We do also stock 10x8x18 block in Normal Weight for use in residential basements. DW


There are three classifications of Density.

  • Light Weight – Less than 105 pcf
  • Medium Weight – 105 pcf to less than 125 pcf
  • Normal Weight – 125 pcf or more

All of these densities can provide excellent acoustic properties, fire resistance and structural benefits. We stock most of the standard CMU that we produce in Normal Weight as the aggregate source is cost effective for us. The Light Weight that we stock are generally in the larger CMU, to lighten the load on the masons.


In expressing the size of a CMU, it is necessary to state the dimensions in the proper order – Width, Height and Length. (W x H x L). Nominal Dimensions are the common way to order CMU. For instance, an 8x8x16 unit would have actual dimensions of 7-5/8” wide x 7-5/8” high x 15-5/8” long. The nominal dimensions compensate for a 3/8-inch mortar joint to reach actual desired dimensions.

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Standard CMU

We recommend that when specifying CMU for your project, you call for ASTM C-90. This standard specification requires a minimum compressive strength of 2,000 psi for the units. When constructed with Type S Mortar, the net area compressive strength of Masonry is considered 2,000 psi. “Grade” and “Type” were eliminated from ASTM C-90 a number of years ago and should not be specified. If in addition, you specify an option for Normal Weight or Light Weight. This will provide you the most competitive product in the area where the construction will be. We encourage designers to contact us to discuss specific CMU requirements, during the design phase.